As experts in loyalty, CRM and closed-loop payment systems, at Tranxactor we are delighted to announce that we are working on our first fully digital UK Gift Card solution. The gift card market in the UK is huge, and the race towards digital is fast!
We wanted to take a moment to reflect on Gift Cards in general which have been a real pivotal part of our service, especially in New Zealand where we work with the largest retail brands, helping them get the best from their gift card programmes and get these back into their business analytics. We are reputed to be the longest standing and most experienced gift card service provider in the country, and we’re looking forward to bringing a core part of our business proposition to the UK!
You may not know that from a Worldwide perspective, in 2016, total gift card sales reached an astronomical $140 billion? This number is only rising and is estimated at being a £5bn market in the UK for business sales alone!
Driven by innovations like digital gift card, e-gift cards, and aftermarket gift card sales platforms, the gift card industry has never been stronger and the future forecast for gift cards is even stronger. The market is estimated to continue to grow at a rate of 5-6%, and CEB has estimated that the total money spent on gift cards will reach $180 billion by 2018 – something we absolutely want to be at the forefront of!
Stay tuned to hear more about the UK Gift Card digital solution that we are working with, we will release details as soon as the programme is live, so don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn.
If you’re interested in Gift Card management, why not speak to us? We would be happy to showcase some of our case studies and success stories and help you understand how Gift Card management can be achieved, whatever your business.